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Reliable Appraisals for Estate Planning and Settlement

The settlement of a deceased loved one’s estate can be a sensitive process, especially when it comes to the values of certain parts of a particular estate. Whether there is or isn’t a clear will, a certified property appraisal needs to be carried out to ensure that assets are divided accurately among heirs to the deceased so that the estate is settled quickly and discreetly.

Lawyers, accountants, and individuals entrusted to settle their deceased family member’s estate count on Appraisal Hub Inc. in Toronto, ON, when they need a property appraisal done for estate law and asset protection.

Estate Settlement

The Role of Appraisals in Estate Law

A certified appraisal can serve an important purpose in both estate planning and estate settlement. When a person is planning the inheritance of property or shares of property in a last will and testament, it’s important to know the value of the property at a given time. Property contained in an estate is viewed in accordance with its market value when owned by the decedent, which is an important distinction when there is litigation involving an estate settlement.

When a precise value matters, Appraisal Hub Inc. will carry out the necessary research to identify the market value of a property when the estate became active upon the death of the estate holder. This may involve researching comparable property sales during a certain point in the past as well as reviewing past documents and other resources.

The Importance of a Trustworthy Appraisal

When you’ve been entrusted to execute a deceased loved one’s final wishes, it can be a sensitive issue. An entire family can be mourning the loss of a loved one, and no one thinks about having a valuation carried out on the property contained in the estate. With this in mind, it’s important that an accurate appraisal be carried out in a timely manner. As time passes, it becomes more and more difficult to compile the required documents and resources to perform an accurate retrospective appraisal on the property in question.

Appraisal Hub Inc. in the Greater Toronto Area, is proud to be trusted by accountants, lawyers, and estate executors to provide accurate, unbiased appraisal reports with professionalism and discretion.

We understand that although you may not be thinking of the legal issues involved in your loved one’s passing, you don’t want to have to deal with any drawn-out litigation that can make the process of settling an estate all that much more painful.

Throughout the process of appraising property in an estate, we remain compliant to the privacy regulations set down by the Canadian Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (CUSPAP). We act in your best interests and only release our detailed retrospective appraisal reports to the designated parties in accordance with the specifics of the settlement.

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